Children have a very profound impact on the lives of their parents. From the moment they are born, parents begin to take pictures to keep the memory of their chubby little faces alive. A question that I often hear from clients is-
“What’s the best age(years/months) to get a photo-shoot done?”
Of course the excitement of having a new born is beyond comparison and hence the obsession with newborn photography and similarly first birthday shoots is only natural. Even in the first year each month is different. From how the baby looks to the various milestones they have achieved, a photo-session at each stage has its own charm. So the question is not whats the best age, but, what is it that you want:
Between 0-30 days
The baby sleeps a lot. You can get a lot of shots with the baby swaddled up or wearing adorable outfits in baskets etc. Its easier to pose them at this stage.
Between 1-4 Months
Babies still sleep a lot. They are more responsive though to parents, all smiles and making adorable sounds. Their eyes are open for longer periods. Around three months they start turning over. On belly shots come out great. This is a great time for family shots too.
Between 5-8 Months
You can capture your baby sitting (5 months) and crawling (8 months). They can now express their joy and other emotions better. They are not so mobile yet, so will sit in one place and easier to click.
Between 9-12 Months
Being more proficient in crawling they like exploring their surroundings. All the wonder, glee and curiosity is a joy to capture. Best time for a cake smash as they are naturally curious and happily smash cakes resulting in delightful images.
Toddlerhood (1-3 Years)
As they enter toddler hood, its a bit tricky to get them to sit still for a posed portrait. But boy are they adorable at this age and what a great time to get candid shots.
The Pre-School Years (4-10)
As they develop very distinct personalities and begin expressing themselves with words, you can engage them in interesting conversations and watch their eyes light up as you talk about their favorite holiday or cartoon character.
Pre Teens and Teens (11-19)
As you watch your little babies turn into intelligent little beings with minds of their own, you can’t help feeling proud as a parent. They may drive you crazy at this stage, challenging boundaries, rules, testing your patience but they are transforming into young adults so fast, you know they will leave the nest pretty soon. Getting portrait sessions done at this stage is especially rewarding as you preserve the last years of their childhood and transformation to adults through family and fine art portraits.
Parenthood is a hell of a roller-coaster ride and it goes by so fast. As a parent if it were up to you you would preserve every beautiful moment with them.Your children are different, beautiful and worth clicking at every single stage. Getting a professional family or child portrait from time to time is a great way to conserve cherished memories.